Open Innovation? No, thank you!

Yes, your eyes aren't tricking you. "Open Innovation? No, thank you!" is the purposedly chosen name for this blog and its first entry. But I'm not as mad as the title might suggest. Please carry on reading and enjoy!.

Open Innovation is a relatively recent term coined in the popular book by Henry Chessbrough ( It's a short and enjoyable book that can be read in a couple of days, and I recommend you to read it so you can get a better understanding of what we'll be discussing about in this blog.

As for myself, I'm a technologist with 25 years of experience in SW and SW development, both amateur and industrial. I wrote my first Database Management system when I was 16. It was a BASIC program running on a pre-PC machine from Fujitsu that my Dad's brother got me. By then I also built my first LAN by interconnecting it with my good ol' ZX Spectrum through a serial cable I built myself. Yeah, things have changed quite a bit during these thrilling 25 years. Currently I'm a Senior Technologist at a large company which name I won't mention, because that will allow me to be a little more explicit in my posts.

And now to the point: why do I say no to Open Innovation? Well it's not what can be understood literally from the words in the title. What I'm actually saying no to is the way the Open Innovation paradigms are being promoted, adopted and managed (mangled?) by the business people in charge of driving technology companies through these troublesome days. What I'm trying to give you with my posts is a technologist's view on Open Innovation, how should it be and not be used, and a criticism of the Open Innovation paradigms when examined under an engineering perspective, as opposed to the business perspective that is so commonly used in this context.

So welcome to my blog and enjoy! And please, don't forget to criticize my posts. I'm of the opinion that anything that suffers no criticism is not of any practical value since probably no one knows exactly what it is about...
